
Confucianism, Buddhism, And Daoism

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Angelina Chen- Period 2
Shivani Pasricha- Period 6
Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism

The founder of Buddhism is Buddha Siddhartha, born 624 in present-day Nepal. His name means “Awakened One.” A Buddha is somebody who has awoken from sleep and suddenly sees things truthfully. As Buddha grew up, he could speak sixty-four different languages and was a good mathematician. He often visited poor and old people, and realized that every person would one day experience sufferings, for example, sickness and death. Because Buddha believed in reincarnation, he became aware of the fact that everyone would experience these sufferings in a never-ending cycle. This caused him to feel sympathy for them and himself, and so he wished that they could all escape suffering. Thus, this created the religion of Buddhism.
Buddhism is one of the major religions around the world. It was introduced to China during the Han dynasty. Although Buddhism was not as popular during that time, it brought great influence during the Period of Disunion. Buddhism was introduced around Asian Lands including Japan and Korea. It included many aspects of Chinese culture, such as art, literature, and architecture. Buddhism was extremely important from about 400 to 845, and is known as the Age of Buddhism. The religion’s golden age came to an end when a Tang emperor launched a campaign against the religion. This included burning many Buddhist texts, taking lands from Buddhist temples, destroying

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