
Comparing Snow White And The Brothers Grimm

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The Truth Behind Snow White Everyone loves a good fairytale, and nothing is quite as magical and heartwarming as a Disney fairytale. The themes of love, comedy, and morality deem them as more than just little kids' stories, but suitable and entertaining tales for the entire family. This is known by a majority of the stories' readers. However, what one may not be so familiar with is the origin of these tales. Where did the stories of Cinderella, Ariel, and Rapunzel come from? The Disney writers certainly did not create them themselves. The differences in the originals will shock anyone familiar with Disney. And what about Snow White? There are differences between the original Brothers Grimm version of the ebony-haired, white-skinned princess and the Disney movie, believe it or not. Some major differences between both versions are the multiple ways the evil queen tries murdering her stepdaughter, the cause of Snow White's revival, as well as how the evil queen died. Why the story was altered is obvious: …show more content…

There might not be that many, and the prince and princess may still get their happily ever after, but reading the Brothers Grimm version would taint anyone's fond memories of growing up on the Disney version. It's the small contrarieties that would make them feel different about the tales, such as the ways the evil queen tried murdering Snow White, how the princess had revived, and the truth behind the queen's death. Growing up on the originals would have given readers each a sense of reality and no false hope about life and love. More might have appreciated the sappiness because it would've been better preparation for the road ahead. Next time watching a Disney movie, research it. Is there an original version? If there is, compare and contrast the two. It's surprising how many kids' tales have been censored to be appropriate for the target

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