
Compare And Contrast Qin Dynasty And Qing Dynasty

Decent Essays

In the Dynastic cycle, the Qin and Qing Dynasties of ancient China showed similar periods of decline. Both of these dynasties have similarities and differences when the dynasties were aloud.
To begin with, the Qin and the Qing dynasties had some similarities. First, both dynasties rebelled. To explain, both dynasties had a great start when the dynasty was first created. Then, things got a little rough. The people were tired of having bad leaders at the end so they rebelled. Both dynasties rebelled mostly because of bad leadership which they got from the leaders of the dynasties. Second, they also had an impressive and strong army. For example, both dynasties both used their money wisely. That money also went to the army. By spending money on the army, they had a strong and impressive army to protect and serve China. Lastly, they …show more content…

They used their money wisely at the beginning of the dynasty, but then they started using it for bribing because the leader wouldn’t treat the people well enough for them not to bribe each other. Also, the roads, crops, and canals were destroyed. Since the leader didn’t take care of these things and would not pay for repairs, it started to collapse. The people had to crops to eat, couldn’t control flooding, and had no good transportation for trading purposes. Another example is they started having fewer items to trade. Since there was such poor treating to the roads and canals, there wasn't much transportation routes for people to trade. Without trading items, people couldn’t get the items they need to survive. Also, their military started to weaken. The ruler of this dynasty, as you can see, didn’t use his money wisely. Since he didn’t use his money wisely, the military also weakened. So, they had weak protection and weak fighting against other regions. Lastly, the government started to corrupt. Again, since the money was a problem, the government couldn’t do their job so they started to

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