
Compare And Contrast Herbert Hoover's Approach To The Great Depression

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The great depression was a hard time on Americans as lot of people were unemployed and most people had little money to work with. During the great depression we had two presidents, President Herbert Hoover and President Franklin Roosevelt. Both of these men had different approaches to the great depression and we will see in the Beuscher interview whose policies/ideas had more of an impact on the family.
President Herbert Hoover had an interesting approach to the great depression. President Herbert Hoover believed in the idea of charity or self-help. Basically this means that when people came to the white house asking for help since they were in a bad situation from the great depression President Herbert Hoover should not give them that help. President Herbert Hoover believed that if he gave handouts to people or helped people when they were down, he thought people would get dependent on the government to help them when things were going bad then having this mind set would lead to people just not doing anything and just keep getting money from the government for the rest of their lives. President Herbert Hoover believed in charities, instead of the government helping, people need to help one another out, so charities were strongly supported by President Herbert Hoover. Even though President Herbert Hoover believed in self-help and charities he did use the government to help out certain areas of work such as agriculture since lots of farmers at the time were dealing with a

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