
Compare And Contrast Han China And Rome

Decent Essays

Rome V. Han Dynasty The Roman empire was a stronger empire than the Han empire because of its military prowess, effective bureaucracy, and effective system of law. The Rome and Han Dynasty are very similar in the respect that they were both very powerful empires but also both fell for very similar reasons. One obvious reason being they both got to big and couldn't maintain and control all the land and people they had. Knowing this, there are several things that show how Rome was a stronger empire that the Han. One reason why Rome was a stronger empire than Han was its military prowess. The Roman empire was known for having one of the most powerful military units to ever exist. Julius Caesar is a well known military leader of Rome and helped to expand Rome. He was a very strong leader and was a genius at military strategy. Caesar led his legions in a grueling but …show more content…

The Roman empire had an effective system of government through civil service. He paid workers to manage the affairs of government, such as the grain supply, tax collection, and the postal system. They had an organized way of carrying out day to day operations and controlled an entire empire through this. This also gave the common people jobs too, “Although the senate still functioned, civil servants drawn from plebeians and even former slaves actually administered the empire” (162). The Han had a similar system but ultimately, the common people weren't accounted for and the poor couldn't have government jobs. Wudi set up a school where hopeful job applicants from all over China could come to study Confucius’s works…. In practice, few peasants could afford to educate their sons. So only sons of wealthy landowners had a chance at a government career (203). The Han’s system was effective but not as effective and proactive as the Roman empires because the Roman’s system involved all people and gave all people

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