
Coming Of Age Story

Decent Essays

This is a fictional story from the perspective of a male in his early twenties After sitting in the small waiting room for 30 minutes a middle aged woman opens the door to guide me to an even smaller room. She hands me a gown and told me the doctor will see me in a few minutes. The exam room in was a simple white room with a exam table in the facing toward the door. Out of shear boredom I begin to look around, and I open a drawer and see the usual medical tool along with two boxes of size small gloves . Before I can play around with any of the stuff I hear tap of shoes infront of the door. I close the drawers just in time to look over and see one of the most attractive woman I have ever seen. She was in her mid thirties, hair shoulder length …show more content…

She introduces herself as Dr. Vanessa and just when I think that I'm in heaven a young Asian girl in her early twenties she has a face of innocence. The girl was about 5 and a half feet tall wear tight pink scrubs and she had her hair gathered up into a ponytail. Dr. Vanessa kindly explained that she has taken a young medical student under her wing, then she asks if her intern may stay to observe and practice. In the back of my mind I have the vilest thoughts but a gather my composure and give her permission. Dr Vanessa steps out to allow her intern to take my vitals. I awkwardly begin to strike up a conversation while she is taking my vitals I learn that her name is bekka and she has been in med schools for one year. I figure that I have nothing to lose so I tell her a crude joke and to ,y surprise she loses her composure and abruptly laughs but, before I can react she returns to her serious persona. Bekka opens the drawer and removes a thermometer and some KY jelly. nearly smilling she asks me"have you ever had ur temperature taken rectally." I have a face of pure shock point at my genitals and she responds with a nod. The next thing I hear bekkha snapping one a

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