
Coming Of Age

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Coming of age is maturing from the juvenile world of fantasy and sugarcoated truths and being able to see the world for what it truly is, like an adult. In this novel some experiences that show this coming-of-age theme are portrayed through Dill, Jem, and Scout. These experiences range from Jem beginning puberty, to Scout acting like a mature lady at the the Missionary tea with her Aunt Alexandra, and Scout recognizing Boo Radley as a person. There is one experience that I believe is the most important, which is when Dill begins to recognize how colored people in his community are treated unfairly. In this scene Dill, Jem, and Scout are at the trial. The children are watching the trial from the top of the balcony with Reverend Sykes when Dill …show more content…

Harper Lee used many literary elements throughout her novel ,and in this passage. She used conflict to show the segregation that is present in Maycomb’s community and how it has affected Dill. Characterization to show how Dill’s character developed and how he acts in comparison to others in Maycomb. Harper Lee showed how certain events impact everyone differently based on their perception of the event through point of view. As we grow older and complete many milestones we reach a point where we mature from child to young adult. When we reach this coming of age we see the world differently than we did before. As children we are taught that everyone is equal, that we are all the same. That when segregation was ended we were all treated fairly. We weren’t told that even though segregation has ended the world is still full of racial prejudices and racism. That injustice towards people of color and different ethnicities is common. When segregation was occurring there were supposed to be certain things for colored and white people, but it was supposed to be equal for both sides. People of this country have certain beliefs because they were raised that way by their parents, who have had these belief for generations. People are not willing to change and understand that everyone is equal, that injustice towards anyone is still wrong. Our country strives on being being the land of the free, although most of the population is still shackled by old beliefs. Although we want to believe that world has changed vastly and acceptable divided between citizens was a long time ago, it really wasn’t. As people we are changing, but not in the way that is advertised. Beliefs that certain ethnicities and classes are better than others are still being passed down. We aren’t born with racial prejudices or racist beliefs, we learn them.

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