
College Admission Essay

Decent Essays

Since the time when I was little, my parents always encourage me to do the best, work hard, become educated and have a positive life style at a very young age. My earliest memories are that of reading interesting books because I love to read and do my science whiz experiments. However, I also had great interests in playing with Lego pieces and conducting fun chemistry games in my own tiny lab. It was a fun time for me; at least that’s how I recall it now. The only things I had to worry about were: what will I have for lunch today, which chemistry game or Lego pieces do I want to play with and my team winning the sports games I use to compete in. During elementary school, my mother, would always pack one of those perfect healthy lunches for …show more content…

During my childhood years, my parents use to encourage me to join in many of physically demanding activities there were for kids. It was sports that drove me to be a very competitive individual and my father’s insistence on playing sports, was welcomed by me from the start. I used to play baseball, tennis and volleyball. Although I did suffer some minor injuries and setbacks, I pushed myself to achieve faster and farther goals every time I played. My teams had won many games, and I feel that my physical abilities as well as teamwork, contributed to our countless victories. Being physically active throughout my childhood years influenced me in many ways; even though I do not play sports that much today because I’m busy with work and school, I still love to remain physically active. For example, on the weekends, I usually get-up early in the morning and go for a two mile run, despite the weather. The area where I live, has some excellent areas for running, and I use the terrain to my advantage. The summertime is the best, however, to go running. The warm, crisp, morning air, still recovering from the night before, is still free from all of the morning rush-hour smog. This is drives me for the rest of the day until the next

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