
Cognitive Therapy For Postpartum Depression

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression (PPD) affects 13% - 19% of postnatal women worldwide (香港特別行政區 : 衛生署衛生防護中心, 2014). The impact of PPD on women, infants and their families is significantly negative and enduring, and imposes a burden on the health-care system (Leung et al., 2013). More awareness and understanding of this mental health problem should be promoted in the general population and among health care providers, families, friends, and new mothers themselves. This paper will discuss on the definition, prevalence, risk factors and consequence of Postpartum Depression, and treatment options with a focus on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Postpartum Mood Disorders
Postpartum mood disorders is defined as a spectrum of illness including postpartum blues, postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis. The postpartum blues are extremely common and no specific treatment is usually needed. Postpartum depression is less common and may significantly impact both the health of the mother and baby. Postpartum psychosis is extremely rare with clinical features including mania, psychotic thoughts, severe depression, and other thought disorders, and requires hospitalization. This paper will focus on reviewing and discussing postpartum depression.
Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression (PPD) exists as a part of the spectrum of major depression, coded with a modifier for postpartum onset which is defined as an episode of depression, mania, or

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