
Co-Sleeping Essay

Decent Essays

SIDS SIDS is a symptom that refers to the sudden death of infants in their sleep. This symptom is usually seen in infants twelve months and younger. The exact cause of this syndrome is unknown, however, there are certain factors that through research have shown to have a contribution to the cause of sudden death among young infants. These factors may include co-sleeping, which is defined as an infant sharing sleeping surface with one or more adults. Maternal smoking and alcohol consumption are also factors that can contribute to sudden infant deaths as well as prone sleeping, the act of placing an infant to sleep face down (Knight, Webster, Kemp, & Comino, 2013). The rate of SIDS has dropped over time due to the rise of awareness of the factors that may cause this syndrome which have been discovered through numerous studies (Knight, et. al., 2013). In this particular study, the autopsies of approximately 1500 infants were reviewed by a specialist pediatric pathologist in a UK specialist Centre. This information regarding the deaths was obtained from Her Majesty Coroner or the investigation police (Weber, Risdon, Ashworth, Malone, & Sebire, 2012). The purpose of this study was to analyze if there was a significant relationship between co-sleeping and sudden unexpected death …show more content…

The source of their data was a primary source which enameled them to have accurate information. Researches like the one provided above help educate society, specifically parents of how certain practices with their infants may be potentially putting them in grave danger rather than helping them. Although I believe this research did an exceptional job supporting their hypothesis; it would have been far more beneficial to provide information regarding additional risk factors that were among the common ones observed to have associations with

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