
Client A Case Study

Decent Essays

Chronic pain is best acknowledged by understanding the person and how they live. Client A (as he will be known) lives with pain on a daily basis, as do thousands of people. Currently, Client A is trying to deal with high stress levels and this is affecting his work and personal relationships, as well as life in general. So what is happening to Client A from a biological, physiological and social aspect and how can these changes affect the musculoskeletal system enough to create pain? Client A did not wake up one morning and his pain began. His pain journey is a process of ………changes. began developed needs to begin with confirmation that his pain is real and what he is experiencing is normal but his actual journey is unique to him. As a therapist, it is about recognising specific mechanisms and understanding how they …show more content…

The effects of not breathing properly or efficiently can result in muscle imbalances, motor control changes and a range of unhealthy physiological processes, These results demonstrate the importance of diaphragmatic breathing on functional movement. Inefficient breathing could result in muscular imbalance, motor control alterations, as well as physiological variations that can transform movement and affect the whole person. Bradley (2014, p. 28). Client A’s symptoms are tinnitus in his left ear, throat sensations, headaches predominately on the right side, pressure across his forehead, aching in his right eye, teeth aching on the right side, difficulty breathing through his nose, poor sleep patterns, discomfort in his back on the left side. He experiences fatigue and pain in muscles of the neck, shoulder and chest. Treatment History Client A has had this condition for approximately 12 months. He was diagnosed by Otolaryngologist, Dr Jim Bartley, in February, 2016, (Appendix 1) with a dysfunctional breathing pattern and poor

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