
Civilization Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Civilization is the stage of human social development. Civilizations have improved over the years. The ancient River Valley Civilizations have created a foundation for future human developments. The ancient River Valley Civilization all made key contributions for future societies. The Civilization from Mesopotamia and China had a massive influence for future civilizations. Mesopotamian Civilizations contributed massively to the development for future civilizations. To begin, the Sumerians created the first written language. Cuneiform was the writing system to keep track of business dealings when it comes to trading with the people who lived in lands that were thousands of miles away. Cuneiform also kept records and allowed new ideas to be passed from generation to generation (Doc 1). Cuneiform is developed from pictographs that were sideways and used …show more content…

Hammurabi’s code is a set of laws to help govern a civilization. It was meant to protect people even though they had little political power. Hammurabi’s code is composed of 282 laws that fit the punishment based of the class of the lawbreaker and the victim of the wrongdoing. The most popular was to remember the code of Hammurabi is “eye for an eye” or a “tooth for a tooth” (Doc 2). What this meant was what goes around comes around.
Chinese Civilizations contributed massively to the development for future civilizations. Confucius developed a philosophy in which he explained how people should be live their lives. This philosophy teaches people that they should accept his/her role in society. Studying Confucianism is a very important for Chinese citizens. Chinese citizens have to take a “civil service” exams and the exam scores will determine whether or not they will get a good paying job (Doc 5). Confucianism is not a religion; it is a way of behaving. It also teaches how people should behave to develop moral

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