
Cid Coat And Cure Case

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After we did the analysis on the potential of each product, we have identified Cake in Traditional segment and Cedar in Low End segment as cash cow products. This is because these products are at maturity stage, have high market share and market growth is slowing. As for Cid, Coat and Cure, which are in the High End, Performance and Size segment respectively, these products are categorized in the question mark segment due to high market growth and low market share. For Cake in cash cow segment, currently we are at $1800 on promotion cost and $2075 at sales cost. With the price of $26.88 per product and 2600 unit sales forecast, we are expecting $17,237 benefit. We are expecting a slight growth in this segment in the future; therefore, we will invest moderately in Cake and use the remaining funds to invest more in question mark segment in hopes to turn them into stars.

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