
Christianity : The Beliefs Of Christianity And Christianity

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For many generations, people around the world have adopted the idea of religion. There are hundreds of thousands of religions around the world and nearly all of them have one idea in common: devotion. A person’s devotion to religion is all about how they act and what they are willing to do for their beliefs. Though they may be shown in different ways, a true believer will always cling to their faith. A religion comes into being when a group of people sharing common faith or beliefs group together. One of the most practiced ways of expressing faith is worship. This has worked ever since religions were founded and after the ideas were complete, it was time to expand and pass on religions. A very significant religion in Europe was Christianity. The two concepts that the Christians believed in were Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox. After garnering enough support, churches were built and arguably the most significant one was the Hagia Sophia, in Constantinople. The erection of churches allowed worshipers to get together and practice their religious ideas freely. The priests taught people the basic doctrines of Christianity and eventually, people began celebrating their religion with traditions and rituals. A major ritual in Christianity is being baptized as a baby. These actions were known as sacraments and they were very important, for sacraments supposedly saved you from going to hell in eternal damnation. As more and more people joined the Christian faith, some “infection”

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