
Christian Worldview Abortion Case Study

Decent Essays

Asha Lata
January 4, 2016
CWV 101- Christian Worldview
Mr. Rob Krise

Benchmark Assignment: Ethical Dilemmas
The Ethical dilemma is mental conflict in making the choice in the complex and uncomfortable situation, every individual faces the ethical decision making issues several times during the journey of life. The Down syndrome child abortion is most debated issue and difficult decision to make, therefore the resolving, evaluating and comparing the decision according to Christian Worldview and other options are very important.
Ethical Dilemma
In the scenario regarding making the decision on aborting the child with Down Syndrome is really tough decision to take especially in Susan’s case since she was facing pregnancy difficulties …show more content…

(Psalm 127:3)
Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. “Abortion is wrong, God doesn’t approve of ending a life just because a person has regrets about how things turned out”, (Genesis 6:6-7). In this scenario it is the parents choice to decide what they want to do but according to Christian Worldview beliefs about God and Humanity, God creates every human and it is only his right to take the life and abortion is simply a murder and God does not allow this. However in this issue Susan got pregnant after trying for long and the fetus is Down syndrome, therefore bring that child into world is suffering but it is also a matter of concern that God gave a life inside her after a long time, maybe it is a God’s blessing to her. Just by knowing that the child will born with some disabilities it is not wise to stop the heat beat of child, Susan should not listen to anyone but just to her heart and belief in God and move forward with her …show more content…

Faith in God is the important factor for Susan, God has blessed her with child after so long so He must be having a plan for her therefore the benefit of believing in God and having the child is that she will be a mother, which is the most adorable thing in this world. “A child is a divine blessing, a divine heritage coming from the Lord”, (Tibor, 2005. p 142)
The Christian worldview's resolution is better compare to another option since being a mother is the greatest pleasure of a woman’s life and in the case of Susan she got a gift from God and a chance to be a mother so its is very wise to keep the child and belief in God for the child’s life. The child is innocent and God loves children, it is a great risk but God will make her ways to raise the child and there is also chances that child will born with little disabilities that can be corrected with some operations.

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