
China's One Child Policy Analysis

Decent Essays

The world’s most populated country, occupying a population approaching one and a half billion and contributing to approximately twenty percent of the worldwide population. A country named the People's Republic of China. During the late 1970’s, the overgrowing population of China was reaching one billion, causing problems for the society and government. Chinese citizens were living in extreme poverty and starvation. As a means to rectify these issues, the Chinese government introduced the One Child Policy. This regulation permits couples to have one, and only one child in order to diminish the extremely populated country. The One Child Policy is incredibly controversial, in comparison to many government law and regulation affecting moral and …show more content…

45 million Chinese died because there was not enough food available for everyone. These acts of starvation could have been prevented if there were fewer people in China to feed. Hunger and famine rates will reduce due to the decreasing population growth rate. “400 million births and untold suffering from famine was avoided due to the one child policy,” according to Alexandra Paul, author of “A New One Child Policy” from Huffington Post. With 400 million fewer people residing in China, there will be more food for the community, considering there will be fewer mouths to feed. These 400 million births that were prevented benefited both the community and society. If the one child policy was not enacted, many more people would suffer as a result of hunger-related illnesses. Hunger and famine are another aspect as to why the Chinese government decided to inaugurate the one child policy. One of the biggest struggles that Chinese citizens are faced with is the act of …show more content…

That would mean 400 million more people to feed. “By stabilizing population, the country is capable of feeding itself,” said Alon Tal, author of “In Praise of China’s One-Child Policy” from Huffington post. China is saving money off of the policy. Fewer people equates to the requirement of less food, meaning they do not need to splurge on buying more land. In addition to the decreasing population, China will continue increasing their economy, through the money saved from purchasing land. Without the adequate amount of food and economy, it is hard to practice socialism. The one child policy is beneficial towards China’s economy, without this law, the Chinese government would be investing in more land than they already have.However, others may believe that the act of China's One Child Policy is cruel and inhumane. The One Child Policy may be presumed to restrict, prohibit and even forbid couples to conceive more than one child, forcing lives to end before they even began. Several obligated abortions and sterilization results from this policy. The result of neglecting the law leads many women to undergo a forced medical

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