
China Western Imperialism Analysis

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Taylor Missin Semi-Colonization in China and Egypt October 28, 14 The expansion of Western imperialism struck many regions across the world, all of which progressed and responded differently. Two specific countries I’m going to compare are China and Egypt. China and Egypt both struggled with Western invasion and influences, resulting in semi-colonization. Semi colonized areas refer to areas that were able to maintain their authentic political leadership, however most of their moral, religious, and cultural diversity was abolished and replaced with new Western ideals (Edgerton-Tarpley lecture, “Experiencing Imperialism,” 10/23/2014). Although both of these countries were bombarded by Western imperialistic ideals, both countries responded …show more content…

Al-Bana’s response to European imperialism was similar to Lin Zexu’s letter in the sense that both men agreed Western imperialism was destructive to their country. Al-Bana explains that the Europeans “were able to alter the basic principles of government, justice, and education, and to imbue political, juridical, and cultural systems with their own peculiar character in even the most powerful Islamic countries,” (Al-Bana 897). This means that most of the of Egypt’s Islamic ideals were stripped from the country and were replaced with European ideals. Al-Bana was extremely critical of European influences, and believed that these influences weakened the Islamic unity of Egypt. Al-Bana’s main critique about Western imperialism was that Europeans were stripping away basic Islamic ideals, while Lin’s main critique was that Europeans were essentially polluting their country with poison, which led to drug addiction and death. Western imperialism was threatening to Egypt and China’s prior religions, cultures, and morals. In Egypt, the British and French controlled a huge portion of the country’s economy and military. (Edgerton-Tarpley lecture, “Experiencing Imperialism,” 10/23/2014). While in China, every aspect of their life was constrained due to unequal treaties created by the Europeans. (Bentley and Ziegler, 4th edition,

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