
Child Soldiers: Are They Justified?

Satisfactory Essays

These young soldiers seem to not be committed into committing war crimes, but one of their commitments is without a doubt, survival. However, in order for them to accomplish this, they unfortunately have to commit these terrible atrocities to not get killed. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of these children have little to no option whether or not they want to be serving, they are forcibly recruited. Jeffrey Gettle, author of article entitled Armed and Underage argues this idea well with his quote, “purchased, kidnapped, or terrorized” are some of the ways these girls and boys become child soldiers (2009). This quote demonstrates the types of way they are involuntarily placed in the army and when they are in the field, many types abusement become present like when they oppose given orders. …show more content…

In other cases, families living in poverty sell their biological children into the army based on the social status and not being able to care for the child. Furthermore, escaping is not a choice when it comes to their cruel commanders. According to the article, Hope for Uganda’s Child Soldiers, Laura Blue and Jonathan Woodward, journalist of this article states that child soldiers “never said a word about escaping [because] it would mean swift execution.” (2006) The authors makes it clear that the children who were forced into duty had no choice of coming to war in the first place, in which leads to the reason that escaping, but it’s difficult especially when execution is the alternative. So, they do what they can to be alive, which in this case is to follow the commands such as ending their civilians’ lives. In to additon to this, this quote indicates theses kids have little to no power, so it easily drive them to do these evil deeds when they don’t have many choices to choose from and survival is

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