
Charles Dickens Utilitarianism Analysis

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Utilitarianism and Charles Dickens - The Analysis of Impact of Utilitarianism in Hard Times towards Humanity The utilitarianism, is one of the ethical theory genres which greatly affects the western and even world’s development of philosophy. Its originality can be traced back to ancient Greece Democritus and Epicurean Hedonism theory. Jeremy Bentham is considered to be the founder of the utilitarianism theory during the latter half through 18th century in England. Based on the theory of utilitarianism proposed by Jeremy Bentham, the proposal expounds destructive influence of utilitarianism on humanity shown by Charles Dickens' Hard Time. The proposal falls into two major parts - The introduction of Bentham's utilitarianism theory: What …show more content…

Bentham began his perspective to the principles of Morals and Legislation with the classic sentence: Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do According to Bentham, all human beings are governed by two sovereign aspects: Pleasure and pain while each individual accepts the fact that we desire pleasure and unwilling to encounter pain. Then, he came up with his Principle of utility where: That principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever, according to the tendency which it appears to have to augment or diminish happiness By that, he meant by utility the balance of pleasure over pain, or happiness over suffering can be achieved. What he said is that: It is pleasure and pain that give us the real value of action Therefore, according to the philosophy of utilitarianism, our private or public life is in the last analysis concerned with maximizing happiness as well as maximizing pleasure. The proposal aims to discover the destructive influence on humanity by utilitarianism philosophy during Victorian Era, and to reveal the darkness of utilitarian moral principle which oppresses human nature and fosters a distorted value. Through analyzing distorted characters, the proposal makes it clear that utilitarianism

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