
Characteristics And Features Of Tiny OS

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Introduction of Tiny OS Tiny OS is one of the free and open source operating system for Wireless Sensor Network. Tiny OS is a component based operating system designed only for embedded system application. It is an embedded operating system which uses nesC programming language. The nesC programming language is very easy to learn because it already has some existing code. Tiny OS was developed primary use for network of small sized sensor devices and mote applications. [1] Characteristics and Features of Tiny OS In terms of real – time applications, Tiny OS does not provide any support for it. This is because that Tiny OS implement its task in a FIFO manner. So, Tiny OS is a poor choice for sensor networks that are being deployed to monitor …show more content…

As the OS control controls over all actions of computer so it is able to supply the detail or the elements that is needed by software to run from the hardware interface. Then it is acts as a resource manager as it is important component of a computer which controls all the components of the computer system. When the hardware provides the basic computing resources, the application program routine define the ways in which these resources are used to solve the computing problems of the users and the operating system controls and coordinate the use of hardware among the various application programs for the various users. It also handles storage management by controlling the storage management. Either than that, it is enables user to perform various tasks such as creating directories and files, copying and moving files, renaming files and deleting files. Then it keeps track of the exact location of files o hard drive through specific type of file system. The system tools are used to monitor computer performance, debug problems, or maintain parts of the system. A set of libraries or functions which programs may use to perform specific tasks especially relating to interfacing with computer system components. Despite that it provides a set of reusable system

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