
Causes Of Friar Lawrence Responsible For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

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“Romeo and Juliet” written by William Shakespeare, is a romantic tragedy that expresses how a family feud causes the death of two young people who are passionately love. There are a great deal of different ideas on who specifically caused the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Therefore, Friar Lawrence, Lady Capulet and Lord Capulet are responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. To begin with, Friar Lawrence is responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death. For example, Friar Lawrence took it upon himself to marry Romeo and Juliet, thinking it would end up bringing the families together when it ended up doing the opposite. This is proven when Friar Lawrence says, “In one respect I’ll thy assistant be,/ For this alliance may so happy prove/ To turn your households' rancor to pure love” (2. 3. 90-92). Friar figured if Juliet and Romeo were married, the families would be forced to get along. Additionally, Friar Lawrence is the one who came up with the plan to give the sleeping potion to Juliet when he knew it would be risky business. Also, when Juliet woke up from her sleep and found Romeo dead, Friar should have assumed that she was in a fragile state. Friar left Juliet because he didn’t want to get caught. This is where Juliet decided to stab herself with the dagger and take her life. If Friar would have waited in the tomb with her, he could have …show more content…

For instance, Lord Capulet was never accepting of Juliet feelings. He didn’t seem to understand that she didn’t love Paris. Lord Capulet has good intentions at first but he ended up being the most responsible person for her death. Moreover, Lord Capulet was very close-minded. He thought that he knew what was best for Juliet, but he obviously did not. Juliet tries to elaborate her feelings towards Paris and marrying him. Lord Capulet believes Juliet marrying Paris is what is best for Juliet; he shows this by saying he will completely disown

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