
Case Study Of Alibaba

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1.0 Introduction
1.1 Overview of Alibaba
In year 1999, Jack Ma who was a former teacher and his 18 friend in his Hangzhou apartment built up Alibaba group. At first, Alibaba working for the small manufacturers set up a B2B (business to business) website. But then Alibaba group was quickly expanded until seven different group, for example, Alibaba International Business Operations, Alibaba Small Business Operations, Tmall, Taobao, Alibaba Cloud Computing, Juhuasuan and Etao.
Alibaba is the largest leading e-commerce companies of B2B online retailer in China and it is giving a trading platform that associates worldwide purchasers to huge number of small medium enterprises to conduct business in their network. The market operate by Alibaba …show more content…

Expansion of employee could indicate Alibaba group has created numerous of job opportunity and increase economic growth rate in China.

3.0 Reason for success
Business Model
The business model of Alibaba is pretty simple, it acts a middleman by connecting merchants meet buyers on a worldwide scale centered on the principle offering point of selling china items and services to enhance their business growth and trading abilities worldwide. The Alibaba expand on supply chain advantages that wipe out intermediation costs that are common in the traditional retailing trade model.

Profit model
Alibaba’s most important profits mainly originated from advertisements costs and second originated from clients with value-added services in order to attract more potential clients. Alibaba is enabling sellers to register for free and there were no posting or transaction fees.

Credit Model : Third Party Payment platform of online …show more content…

Alibaba currently operate mobile and online commercial center in the form of wholesale trade and retail trade, cloud computing and other information technology services, for example, Taobao, Tmall, Juhuasuan, Aliyun, Ant Financial Services Group, Cainiao Logistics, AliExpress,, and Alimama.
4.0 Analysis of Alibaba’s Strategic Capabilities
In this following section aims to analysis how Alibaba build its competitive advantage. Alibaba will be analyzing using value chain and then carried out VRIN evaluation.
4.1 Value Chain
Value chain is an approach to know how an item or activities create value for consumers. The most of value provides to consumers, the most of competitive advantage an organization build. In this analysis, value chain model has separated into primary and support activities. Primary activities are included in the physical creation of the item and service. On the other hand, support activities give the inputs and infrastructure that enable the primary activities to happen. This value chain model can be refer to below figure 5.

Figure 5: Michael Porter’s Value

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