
Case Study: Lafayette And Suwannee Surgery

Satisfactory Essays

Christie, Lafayette and Suwannee submitted the Expectation and documentation. Please review their documents and score the Expectations. Also please note that: 1. The information and emails is saved at: J:\HPHP\CHD PREPAREDNESS UNIT\CHD Expectations deliverables 2015-2016 2. There is a folder for each CHD that has submitted information: emails are also included. 3. I moved the information for Suwannee from the CHD SharePoint to the folder in the J drive. All the information is included in the folders. 4. I created a folder for Lafayette CHD but the information has not been moved to the folder and remains in the CHD SharePoint. 5. In each folder there is a word document with the link to SharePoints and copy of the emails. 6. I will update

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