
Case Study Eutrophication And Infam Dead Zone Of Lake Erie

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Case Study: Eutrophication and Infamous Dead Zone of Lake Erie The year is 1975 and since it’s a hot summer day, Jane and her family decide today is the perfect beach day. The gang of eight drive to one of the beaches on Ohio’s Lake Erie coast. The four children wildly gallop from the hot sand into the lukewarm waters of Lake Erie. However, after two minutes of playing water tag, three of the children soon notice that bright green algae covers the water that surrounds them. Jane and her husband, Donald, yank the boys back onto the beach sands. However, the youngest boy seems to have disappeared under the beach waters, still attempting to play tag with his siblings. Jane jumps over uprooted trees and branches into the turbid waters and finally …show more content…

Unlike the nitrogen and carbon cycles, the global phosphorus cycle is unique in having no significant or stable gaseous phases or atmospheric component1, 2, 6. The redox potential, or the measure of a substance’s ability to acquire electrons, of most soils is too high to allow for the production of phosphine gas, the gaseous version of phosphorous2. As a result, Phosphorus is not involved in redox cycling7. Therefore, this biogeochemical cycle primarily describes the movement of phosphorus through the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere, which includes the interactions between elements of the two other spheres and life on …show more content…

Phosphorous contained in these shallow ocean sediments can either flow through ocean food webs or can become incorporated into deep ocean sediments which will eventually be uplifted by plate tectonics and start the phosphorous cycle all over again. As previously mentioned, the phosphorus cycle has no atmospheric component. Since phosphorus has no stable atmospheric gas phase, unlike the case for other nutrients such as nitrogen and carbon, ecosystems have to depend primarily on aqueous transfer of this critical nutrient6. Similar to on land, phosphorous is a regulatory element for plant growth in aquatic systems. Dissolved marine phosphorous is a limiting element for biological productivity6, 7, 8 and is probably the most critical regulator of ocean productivity throughout geologic history6, 8. Following the nutrient profile in the world’s oceans, phosphorous concentrations are approach zero in surface waters while phosphate concentrations increase in deep water. The carrying of eroded soils by rivers delivers phosphorous to the oceans. This riverine phosphorous is usually in particulate forms and dissolved forms. Most particulate phosphorous is fixed within mineral lattice thus is unavailable to the active cycle. Consequently, most of the phosphorous weathered from Earth’s continental crust travels to the oceans remaining unaltered. However, the outcome of organic phosphorous

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