
Case Study: Big Pharma

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With soaring medication prices, many drug manufactures have the aspiration to increase profits, which have the effect of rising drugs cost and concerning for Americans. Fortunately, both Democrats and Republican have illustrated interest in passing Prescription Drug Affordability Act of 2015. Captivatingly, the act will allow Medicare to consult manufacturers and set affordable prices. Many have also requested to allow of purchasing medication from Canada which currently has lower drug cost. Reports often appear in the popular press about American consumers who go to Canada or Mexico to buy their prescription drugs at a fraction of what they would pay in U.S. pharmacies, even though doing so is illegal (1). By contrast, the United States leads …show more content…

Many have accused that Food and Drug Administration is not aggressively monitoring drugs prices, the FDA is in charge of regulating devices and drug production. Big Pharma spends billions of dollars annually on direct-to- consumer advertising which entitles manipulative strategies (4). The theory behind such good progress is the company attracts doctors, scientist, and other health related personnel’s. Medical research teams and doctors conduct extensive research with funds from Big Pharma. Even though many accuse Big Pharma for not following their mission statement it has not restricted them from purchasing their prescriptions medications. Big Pharma a company with many tactics and strategies, have been hiring former government workers whom have authoritative links to gain political influence. Currently, they have hired, 36 who worked for a member of Congress, 13 who worked for a federal agency, 2 who worked for the White House (4). With influenced members from Congress, they use their connection to reach their company goals. Unfortunately, U.S law permits drug manufacture companies to set prescriptions drugs prices without any restriction from the FDA. On the other hand, other countries set a limit on what companies can charge bases on the benefit of the drug (4). There are many hidden facts, which Big Pharma does not reveal; for example, the company spends double the amount of advertising then they do on research. Persuasion is the key to pharmaceutical industry, paying physicians/surgeons to incorporate their names on research articles, with the intent of getting published in

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