
Case Analysis - Charlotte Beers at Ogilvy and Mather Worldwide

Decent Essays

Charlotte Beers at Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide (A) Document purpose: suggestions to increase acceptance of Ogilvy & Mather’s new Vison on employees below senior executive management. Problem definition December 1993: Charlotte Beers assesses the progresses made by the company after she became CEO: she realizes that clients love the Brand Stewardship concept, but most employees, below executive levels, have not embraced the newly created Vison. The problem I will focus in this document is the following: the majority of employees did not embrace the new Vison. I will analyze why this is a key problem, why it is happening and I will propose steps to accomplish more acceptance. Analysis Brief Background Major events have shaped the …show more content…

O’Dea: “Only a minority of the population truly understands and embraces the Brand Stewardship concept”. Employees thus have to be educated on the concept. 2. Human resistance to the Brand Stewardship: some employees are contrary to the concept, because they see it as “an indictment of what they have been doing”. They perceive the embracement of the new Vison as admitting that previous practices were wrong [Org Change Strategies and Tactics]. Employees may need support and facilitation. 3. ·Lack of interest in the Brand Stewardship: employees feel that the new Vison is a loss of time for them. “If it helps to get new business, that’s great, but why are you in my office talking about this? I have a dead line to meet and I don’t see what this has to do with creating advertising”. The importance of the Brand Stewardship has to be communicated to employees. Why is the problem of acceptance of the Vison among low-level employees a key one? The image of the company is a lot dependent on how everyone will interpret and implement the message of the Statement of Vison and Values. Clients now view O&M people as “uninvolved, distant, and reserved”. Beers needs a way to reach all employees as effectively as she has done with the few key people: challenging them to be more creative, to toss aside the old rules and really embrace the new Vison. Recommendations 1.

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