
Care Plan for Hypertension

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PAST MEDICAL/SURGICAL HISTORY: Patient has a history of a myocardial infarction (MI, or also known as a heart attack) in 2004, she had a hip pinning in 2005, and a traumatic amputation of fingers on her left hand in 1974 from a lawnmower accident.

Pt lived on her own until 4-27-12 when her family found her lying on the floor in her home. Pts family brought her to live with them but pt continued to have episodes of falling and hitting her head. Pt was taken to the ER and given a Ct of the brain where all results turned up normal. After at least 5 more falls the pts family took her back to the hospital with complaints of chest pain and palpitations. Pt was more confused than usual & and was having increased difficulty in …show more content…

2015, pg 858). The obstruction of blood flow through the coronary arteries that is associated with CAD (coronary artery disease) is R/T the buildup of plaque made up of lipids along the arteries, or hyperlipidemia. This blood flow reduction also resulted in angina, or chest pains, and also the MI (myocardial infarction), or also known as a heart attack, that the pt had in 2004 (Hopper & Williams. 2015, pg 465). Dementia is most closely related to hyperlipidemia with blocks sufficient blood from reaching the brain via veins which results in damage to the brain (Hopper & Williams. 2015, pg 1154,1155). The hip pinning in 2005, as well as the amputation of two fingers from her left hand in 2005, are unrelated to each other and unrelated to the pts’ other health problems.

|Physical: |Subjective Data: |
| |Pt stated “I get tired fast when I’m in this wheelchair.” |
|Risk for impaired skin integrity R/T poor nutrition status, poor skin integrity, and immobility. |Objective

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