
Carbohydrates : An Important Part

Decent Essays

Carbohydrates paly an important part in athelets ' perfomenace. The basic componant of a carbohydrate is a simple union of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. There are three major kinds of Carbohydrates: monosaccharides (or simple sugars), disaccharides, and polysaccharides.
1. Monosaccharides: [Sugar] It is the simplest form of carbohydrate as it consists of single-sugar unit.
The monosaccharides is main and primary source of energy for organisms.

2. Disaccharides: [simple or fast-acting carbohydrate] It consists of two monosaccharides joined together by a covalent bond.
Common examples of disaccharides are sucrose or table sugar (glucose-fructose), maltose (glucose- glucose) and lactose (glucose-galactose); sugar in milk.
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Fruit sugar is also known as fructose and the sugar in milk is called lactose. We can recognize other sugars on labels because their chemical names also end in "-ose." For example glucose (also called dextrose), fructose (also called levulose), lactose and maltose.
C) Fiber: (comes from plant foods however no fiber in animal products such as milk, eggs, meat, poultry, and fish). The fiber is the indigestible part of plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes. When you consume dietary fiber, most of it passes through the intestines and is not digested.
Our body reduce Disaccharides and starches to monosaccharides through digestion to power our physical activities. There is a special type of carbohydrate, known as fiber, passes through our intestine undigested. While fiber doesn’t provide us with cellular energy, it improves our digestive health by regulating our bowel function.

Major sources of carbohydrates are grain products, starchy vegetables, legumes, fruit, nuts, seeds, milk and yogurt.

Day Equipment Frequency Time Intensity
Monday Treadmill 4times(7:00am,11:00am,3:00pm,8:00pm) 15-20mins 40-60%HRR
Tuesday Treadmill 4times(7:00am,11:00am,3:00pm,8:00pm) 20-25mins 55-65%HRR
Wednesday Bike 4times(7:00am,11:00am,3:00pm,8:00pm) 15-20mins 40-60%HRR
Thursday Bike 4times(7:00am,11:00am,3:00pm,8:00pm) 20-25mins 55-65%HRR
Friday Elliptic 4times(7:00am,11:00am,3:00pm,8:00pm) 15-20mins 40-60%HRR
Saturday Elliptic

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