
CIS 210 - Access Control System Essay

Better Essays

Building an Access Control System
As a member of the Information Security team at a small college, you have been made the project manager to install an access control system (ACS) in a dormitory. The ACS will automatically unlock the dormitory doors via an electronic proximity reader and integrate with an existing security camera system. The cameras are designed to face and rotate to record a person as they use their identification card to unlock the door.
Create a 3-4 page project plan for this project in which you:
Include a one-half page project scope statement.
Define five (5) major tasks, each with one to two (1-2) subtasks. Also write a brief description for each task.
Create a Gantt chart illustrating the …show more content…

The non-functional requirements are the attributes of the system; these include: reliability, performance, cost, system quality attributes, and the challenges encountered during installation.
Steps of Implementing the Project
To complete the installation, the following steps would be accomplished to successfully install the access control system.

The analysis of the problem should take a day. At the analysis stage we determine the solution. The solution has been identified as the installation of the access control system. At this stage the system parts are identified; they include input, output, communication devices, power supplies, detection devices, intelligent panels, card readers, lock hardware, the actions and the response of the system in case of violation of the input requirements or failure of the system.
The design of the access control system involves coming up with ways of creating or installing the access control system. The phase should take two days. The system would have a security camera controlled by a proximal card reader when the actions are triggered. After completing the design of the system, the identified materials and hardware are to be purchased from various stores.
The computers controlling the security camera in the control center will be reprogrammed to ensure they can control the access control system installed in the doors. The relevant

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