
Business Law: Case Study Questions And Answers

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6/2/16 – a meeting was held with Shane, in the presence of his Union Representative, Tom Brice, to discuss the allegation that he violated DOT&PF’s Unauthorized Expenditures/Purchases P&P #10.01.022, when he purchased meals while traveling for work on May 16 - 17, 2016.

During the meeting Shane affirmed he occasionally travels for work. He stated that when he travels, sometimes things are included and sometimes not. And he couldn’t confirm with certainty he had always paid for meals at his expense, as he stated he guesses he has always paid for meals. He mentioned that one time he stayed at a bed and breakfast, were meals were provided. Although for the latter, he couldn’t remember what meals were included, and stated that he was working most of the time.

Shane has a State credit card and he didn’t recall the documents he signed when the card was assigned to him back in 2011. He also stated not being familiar with the Unauthorized Expenditures/Purchases P&P. When asked what he thought the policy says, he stated “shouldn’t use state credit card for unauthorized purchases”. We then asked what he thought were considered …show more content…

In addition, is concerning the fact that Shane didn’t demonstrate responsibility or remorse for his actions when his reaction to Matt’s questioning was to become mad; and that there was no sense of wrongdoing. During the pre-determination meeting Shane stated he didn’t recall the conversation with Haynes in which he told Haynes he didn’t have to use his personal credit card. In his written statement, Haynes indicated that Shane specifically told him he didn’t have to use his personal credit card, that he could use the State’s credit card. Three members of the crew confirm this conversation

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