
Contexts Of HR

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Title of report Business Issues and the Contexts of Human Resources Centre Module Name Submitted by Tutor Submission Date Word count CIPD Membership Number

LO3: Understand the role of HR in the managing of contemporary business issues and external contents.
3.1 The forces shaping the HR agenda ………………………………………………………………………………4
3.2 How HR contributes to organisational effectiveness ……………………………………………………4
3.3 HR’s roles and functions in management structures ……………………………………………………5
3.4 HR’s contribution to business ethics and accountability ………………………………………………5
LO4: How organizational and HR strategies and practices are shaped and developed
4.1 The role of HR in strategy …show more content…

Our people are proud to be a leading dental corporate in the UK” (Southern Dental, 2006). HR needs to understand where the business is at present, where is going and how to get to where the Company wants to be.
Technological innovation
As Southern Dental grows rapidly, technological advances can mean both a cost and a saving to us. On one hand, our Practices depend on new technologies and as a business we can not afford to fall behind our competitors. Old fashioned dentistry is now only a small part of our business, our bread and butter so to speak, mostly from our NHS contract. The real profit comes from the private and cosmetic dental work which relies heavily on latest technology and often expensive technological advances. Not only is Southern Dental expected to purchase that technology but needs to ensure that our employees are fully competent, knowledgeable and keep up to date with these. Our CEO recognizes that a sizable investment needs to be made to keep up to date and thus keep that mainstream of revenue flowing.
On the other hand, technology also presents the business with some cost effective solutions. R4 our clinical system is linked to each Practice and Head office, ensuring that information is easily accessible and transferrable between. As our acquisitions focuses more towards the north and southwest areas of the country, we have started to trial video conferencing for all field area business

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