
Burger King History

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Marketing Strategies of Burger King in Introductory Stage
. In 2008, Fortune magazine ranked Burger King Corp. among America 's 1,000 largest corporations and Ad Week named it one of the top three industry-changing advertisers within the last three decades.
The Burger King Corporation moves proudly into the future with over 50 years of experience tucked safely under our belt. As a brand, our company has never been stronger. We 've got millions of customers, who we love to bits. And our Executive Team, along with each of our individual employees, ensure our customers always receive exceptional, consistent service (as well as burgers, fries and drinks).
We 've been around awhile – over 50 years – but our success didn 't just happen …show more content…

A WHOPPER that isn 't flame-grilled. That 's completely wrong. Not telling people about how lovely BURGER KING® is. That 's crazy. That 's why our marketing spend covers regular TV adverts and promotions to build brand awareness and customer loyalty. And because we 're committed to customer research, it means that we can respond positively and quickly to changing customer tastes and needs.

While we love to hear the "mmmmm 's" and "ahhhh 's" coming out of our restaurants, we like to get a little more info from our customers, so actively encourage feedback to ensure you get the most from your franchise.

Burger King is the second largest fast food chain in the world, following behind the mighty McDonalds. Burger King was founded in a Miami, Florida, suburb in 1954 by James McLamore and David Edgerton, following a visit to the original McDonalds in San Bernadino, California. Sensing that Dick and Mac McDonald were on to something big, the partners created their own version of the fast food genre and named it Burger King.

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