
Brutus Ethos Pathos Logos

Decent Essays

Brutus and Antony both had very good speeches and both presented them very well. Both of their speeches had good examples of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. A good example of Brutus using Ethos is when he tells the people to believe him because of his honor and that they should also have respect for his honor. When Antony first starts off his speech he doesn’t tell the people to trust him. He simply asks them to just lend him their attention and to listen to what he has to say. These are both good examples of Ethos but I think that Antony would be more appealing to the people. I think this because he doesn’t just tell them to trust him because of what he has done or because of his honor, but to just simply listen to what he has to say to them at the funeral. Both Brutus' and Antony's speeches had very little Logos in them but their speeches did have some in it. Some true things that Brutus talks about are when he speaks …show more content…

Some examples of Brutus using Pathos in his speech are when he talks about how he slew his best friend for the good of Rome and for the good of the people. Also some more examples of Pathos in Brutus' speech is when he talks about how he has the same dagger for himself whenever the Roman people call for his death. Antony has some Pathos in his speech also that gets to the people in the crowd. Examples of Pathos in Antony's speech are when he talks about how his heart is in the coffin with Caesar and when he needs to take a second away because he has to go cry because of how upset he is. Some more examples of pathos in his speech are when he talked about how it wasn’t right for them to know how much Caesar loved all the people of Rome. In conclusion, I think that as I stated before, they both had very good examples but Antony had better examples because his got down more to the people's level and he really could connect with them and knew what they wanted to

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