
Book Summary: The Strategic Logic Of Trade

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One of America’s most powerful tool to enhance and prosper the lives of its citizens deals with the principles of trade in the global market. Throughout much of the twentieth century, individuals who embody the roles of a leader or policymaker viewed trade by means of military power. Although in more recent decades, policymakers and leaders went beyond this scope to realize that trade poses even more power than military strength, such as prosperity, investments, enterprises, goods, and international relations that are so strongly needed for more unifying relationships between global actors. Within the United States, trade can be looked at in a perspective of a very powerful business. It attracts investors and manufactures while also proving …show more content…

Because of these relationships that are connected between countries, they must not be tampered with in order to stabilize growing infrastructures. The United States, one of the most powerful countries in the world, offers its fair share of keeping international matters in balanced proportions. Author Michael Froman of “The Strategic Logic of Trade” introduces the United States in means of liberalism and his central argument is that without cooperation and partnerships countries cannot thrive and live properly. The United States wants to ensure that all countries are equally balanced and in times of conflict the World Trade Organization, an intergovernmental organization, plays a role in preventing unfair advantages within other counties. An example of this would be Obama’s act to initiate rules along the road of trade with the Trans-Pacific Partnership which is a trade agreement settles between eleven countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Within this treaty there are proposals that the United States draws upon such as addressing forced labor, child labor, proper working conditions, wildlife trafficking, illegal forms of logging and components that generate unsafe overfishing. This treaty also takes a bigger liberal approach for small and medium-size business located in various parts of the world to obtain access within the global market by preventing any abuse towards unrestricted internet access. Reflecting as far back as World War II, anybody can learn that the United States used trade as a tool and an advantage to form

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