
Book Report On If I Stay

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If I Stay is a fiction book, written by Gayle Forman. The title says it all about the theme, the theme of If I Stay is Choice. If I Stay is about Mia, Mia’s family has just gotten into a car crash, and again the title says it all, Mia has to decide if she wants to say or go. While Mia is in a coma, her grandparents, friends, parents, and finally her boyfriend try to convince Mia to stay. An important passage in If I Stay is "It's the hardest thing I will ever have to do. I summon all the love I have ever felt, I summon all the strength that Gran and Gramps and Kim and the nurses and Willow have given me. I summon all the breath that Mom, and Dad, and Teddy would fill me with if they could. I summon all my own strength, focus it like a laser

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