
Biomes are the Communities of the World

Decent Essays

Biomes are all over the world, that’s why they are considered the “world’s major communities.” Biomes are large areas scattered around the earth, filled with animals and plants acclimating to their environments. You can classify biomes in many different ways, by their climate, their biodiversity, human activity, their animals and plants, and their habitats. There are only five conspicuous types of biomes, Grassland, Tundra, Desert, Aquatic, and forest. Without biomes, the earth would be unbalanced. Throughout the years, we have cause a lot of damage towards our earth, such as causing pollution, and abolishing natural habitats. If we continue living like this, there might be more serious or severe implications on the biomes. Knowing that we share the world with so many other species of plants and animals, we should consider the consequences of our actions. The Aquatic biome is the most significant out of all of the five biomes. Water is essential and important for life here on Earth. It’s what we all need in order to survive. Water also supports life, and many different species live in it, or for some parts of their life. Since water covers one-thirds of the Earth, the temperature of the aquatic biome tends to be humid and slightly cool. It is fairly constant so it can be able to tolerate life. This region is filled with so many different species of animals some big and some even small. The Aquatic biome is broken into two regions freshwater and marine

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