
Beowulf Epic Hero Essay

Decent Essays

Beowulf fights dragon and saves in damsel in distress an epic hero is one who portrays the society in which the tale is depicted a good example is Beowulf from the Anglo Saxon Beowulf is a prime example of an epic hero because he showed bravery, loyalty, and friendship. Beowulf is being known for the characteristics that he has such as bravery, loyalty , and friendship the first way he showed he was an epic hero was through bravery this is one of the most valued characteristics in Anglo Saxon society on the whole the religion of the Anglo Saxon seems to have been more concerned with ethics then with mysticism with the earthly virtues of bravery, loyalty, generosity, and friendship. First, and foremost Beowulf showed bravery throughout the …show more content…

The second quote that tells he was being bravery are showing the characteristic of bravery is “and if death does take me send the hammered mail of my armor to Higlac return the inheritance I had from Hrethel and he from Wayland fate will unwind as it must (page 37) Beowulf was saying even if he battle and die wanted Wiglaf to be in charge and past the sword to him he was being brave because he knew he could of died and he stlll fault. Beowulf was characterized as being brave because even when he knew he was about to die he still wanted to battle he told people to kill him he was brave and he took up for other people. Secondly, another way you can tell Beowulf is an epic hero is because he showed the trait of loyalty.”Hail, Hrothgar Higlac is my cousin and my king “. By this quote Beowulf is showing loyalty to Hrothgar because of family ties fame and success even survival were

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