
Benefits of Playing Video Games Essay

Decent Essays

Video games have been argued about for decades. Some people have argued that video games are linked to violence. However, new research shows that video games can be used for therapeutic purposes, exercise, stress relievers, positive interactive learning, hand eye coordination, and different types of patient treatment for people all around the world.

When playing video games, the coordination and concentration can physically, socially, and mentally benefit the user. Research today shows that certain video games can reduce fat and therefore promote weight loss. Other sources state that doctors have instructed parents to let their children play video games to help control focus. It is found that video games can improve hand eye …show more content…

Active video games are also being marketed for adults. New Gaming companies have been turning their gaming systems into exercise machines (Recio 143). This new game keeps the player fit while watching television. One machine will incorporate a favorite show into an aerobic workout by broadcasting the selected show loud and clear during the exercise. Once the person starts to decrease their effort the volume will drop, and if they continue to decrease, the television will shut off leaving nothing to watch. This creates a good workout environment involving exercises and entertainment into a strict exercise agenda. Workout levels can range from heavy lifting or swimming (Recio 143). These workout levels are increasing stamina causing weight loss and health awareness. The new video machines can drastically change an adults workout routine.

Video games can improve visual skills and brain function. Video games increase spatial awareness. When playing different video games eyes are focused on a video game a person are more likely to gain different eye strengths after training the brain. Action video games train the brain to better process certain visual information. When people play action video games, they’re changing the brain’s pathway responsible for visual processing (Masnick 1). Video games change brain functions. Researchers today are reporting that first-person-shooter

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