
Being An American Essay

Decent Essays

President Truman once said, “America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination, and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand”. These thoughts still hold true today. Being an American means so much more than reciting the pledge of allegiance every morning at school. It is more than just watching fireworks on the fourth of July. So what does being an American truly mean? Although there are many different definitions, it is defined by many people as believing in the idea that no matter your race, gender, religion, or background, everyone is created equal and given the opportunity to live their life without fear of discrimination or oppression. America has been known throughout history as the the land of opportunity …show more content…

The American people have been falsely accused of being obnoxious, insufferable, vacuous, indolent, and discriminatory. Those who constantly slander and denounce the entire American population for the actions of a few simple-minded bigots are hypocritical and unjust. Individuals who continuously persecute minorities and condemn those who are different (the “simple-minded bigots” previously mentioned) are not truly American and disgrace the country they claim to be serving. For example, going around parading spiteful, propagandist signs and promulgating hate is heinous, unjustifiable, discreditable, and not what being an American is about. However, in America, even chauvinists have freedom of speech. Fortunately, that same right also gives the rest of the American people an opportunity to oppose and speak out against said chauvinists who attempt to preach their offensive propaganda in the name of God and on behalf of the entire United States population. God bless America. Being an American is not just defined as “someone who was born in America”. It is not solely ascribed or limited to a particular ethnic background. In fact, the diversity of America is one of the key aspects that makes this country so admirable. Throughout history, America has welcomed and accepted immigrants with the aspiration for opportunity and freedom.

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