
Behavioral, Social Cognitive, And Information Processing

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Learning has become a central focus in this fast developing world. Education is becoming more and more valuable due to economic advancements. According to text on page 307, "Learning can be defined as a relatively permanent influence on behavior, knowledge and thinking skills that comes about through experience." Each person has a unique way of learning, and for a child, it is the teacher's responsibility to understand how each child learns. There are several different learning theories. However, we will be discussing these three main theories Behavioral, Social Cognitive, and Information Processing. Behaviorism is everything that we can directly observe. According to the text on page 308, "For the behaviorist, behavior is everything …show more content…

Bandura believes person behavior towards the regular reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral, and environmental impacts. According to the text on page 326," Bandura(1986) describes four key process attention, retention, production, and motivation." Attention span to things which we are exposed, or notice the behavior. Multiple factors increase or decrease the quantity and quality of our attention. Then comes retention remembering what we paid attention too. Reproduction ability to perform the behavior that we retained and paid attention too. Motivation willingness to implement the behavior. Let me give you an example of my first class in college its was a development math class. At first, I was uncomfortable going to college because I was a shy person who habitually keeps to the personal and cognitive component to herself. Furthermore, I was in my twenties and married with kids I was feeling old for the college. As I entered in a classroom on the first day to discover that the room is full, and all of the other students are already present. The behavioral component was I tried to slide quietly into a seat at the back to avoid becoming the focus of attention. In this instance, another student at the front of the room greeted me and invited me to sit beside her. In this …show more content…

Central to this approach is the cognitive process of memory and thinking." Information processing theory usually gets compared with computer devices, in that it receives data( Sensory memory), processes it(Short-term memory), and delivers it(Long-term memory). The brain collect information from the senses(input), processes it(storage) and brings a behavioral response (output). Information processing theory has been evolved and expanded over the years. Most well-known at the beginning of information processing models is Atkinson and Shiffrin's "stage theory," exhibiting the following method, as presented earlier, of input-processing-output. As an example, my son was having difficulty in learning reading and counting, e.g., remembering alphabets shapes or sound and counting numbers. He was notably behind from his first-grade class. However, he could remember the shapes and would count his tiniest Lego. To get his interest, I started playing with his lego while making words and saying them and labeled his legos with numbers. As he progressed in remembering and sounding the letters and numbers, presently he started reading books and is learning sight words and addition and subtraction with the

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