
Beauty And Beauty Essay

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Shanise Williams Mrs. Dassinger English 102 October 3, 2017 Media has an influence on beauty standards throughout the world. Not to mention, it affects women and men everywhere. TV and ads like magazines are major ways of spreading ideas of being physically fit, having natural straight long hair, and more. But there are some campaigns that are encouraging natural beauty, body peace, and high self-esteem. Society has fueled the media and holds responsibility for letting the media create a lack of confidence and desire to change in women; although, the media today is hard at work to create a solution. Our self-image as a woman is attacked all the time from every viewpoint. The fashion and media industries tell us over and over again about …show more content…

There are a lot more songs and music videos that show women do not need to have makeup on and can wear their natural hair anyway. All body shapes are beautiful. The media keeps changing and people do their best to keep up with it. With the confusion of the perfect image always changing, the goal to reach the beauty image became an obsession for many people. Sometimes we get so caught up in the reality the media shows us and then we do things that aren’t so smart. This is what has caused many young women to develop eating disorders. Women use unhealthy eating habits to manage their weight. The unhealthy habits include self-induced vomiting, excessive exercise, skipping meals, and fasting. The media can cause the body disappointment, with low self-esteem, and disordered eating. When women and girls compare their bodies to what they seen on the media, it increases their chance of having a poor body image. Media can be harmfully connected with self-esteem, which means that the more a woman views the media the better chance she will have a lower self-esteem. Body image is related to eating disorder behavior, such as restricting food. When girls see these unhealthy messages, like the need to have a thigh gap or flat stomach, it can increase the chance of developing eating disorder behaviors in order to obtain these body types. We don’t even realize that most of what we read and see is specifically engineered to create subconscious beliefs about who we

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