
Basic Accounting Concepts and Business Structures

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Basic Accounting Concepts and Business Structures
Shannon Goshert
ACC 537
July 25, 2010
Angela Rose

Basic accounting concepts and business structures go hand-in-hand. Usually the business structure will determine the type of accounting concepts it will use. Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) are needed for effective accounting information.

Basic Accounting Concepts and Business Structures
Basic accounting concepts and business structures are important to a business’s success. Using generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) brings a standard to financial statements. There must also be effective accounting information. A company can choose to use cash basis accounting or accrual basis …show more content…

Accounting information must have reliability. “Accounting information is reliable to the extent that it is verifiable, is a faithful representation, and is reasonably free of error and bias” (Kieso et al., 2007). Information should be comparable with a similar company and also consistent with the same company through different periods.

Accrual Basis Accounting versus Cash Basis Accounting In accrual basis accounting, transactions are recorded in the period in which they happen. As such, revenues are acknowledged when they are earned rather than when cash is received. This is also known as the revenue recognition principle. Expenses are acknowledged when they are incurred (also known as the matching principle) instead of when paid (Kimmel, Weygandt, &
Kieso, 2007). In cash basis accounting, revenues are recorded when cash is received. Expenses are recorded when cash is paid out. The cash basis method is not allowable under GAAP because it does not follow the revenue recognition principle or the matching principle.
Business Structures There are three different types of business structures. They are sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Sole proprietorship A sole proprietorship is a business owned by only one person. It is easier to set up and one has complete control over the business. Sole proprietorships also have tax advantages.

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