
Autopsy Of Anna Garcia

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Introduction- On August 14, 2011 thirty-eight year old Anna Garcia was found dead in her home. She is a hispanic female who weighs 165 lbs and is 64 inches tall. Doug Greene, Anna’s neighbor, contacted 911 at 9:45 a.m. to report his concerns for his neighbor. Police and emergency personnel arrived at the scene at 9:56 a.m. Preceding the day of Anna’s death, Doug spoke to her when he saw her walking her dog around 6:30 a.m. She was wearing a sweater even though they were currently experiencing a heat wave. The day of her death her dog was excitedly barking for two hours. Doug attempted to call Anna but there was no answer. He then tried ringing her doorbell and again was left with no answer. For the police and EMT to enter the house the front door had to be broken down. When the police and EMT entered the house, Anna was found lying face down in the entry hallway. The EMT determined Anna dead at the scene. The temperature inside of the house was a comfortable 73 degrees fahrenheit. An autopsy of Anna’s body took place on August 15, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. performed by Dr. King. There are four people of interest. Blood, hair, and fingerprints were all found at the scene as well …show more content…

The blood at the crime scene could have belonged to either Anna or Erica because they both have type A blood. The fingerprint belonged to Alex Garcia who had a radial loop. The unknown substance found at the crime scene tested positive for acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).
Two types of drugs that were found on Anna including novolog and lantus. At the crime scene above her head was a pool of blood, there were four pills scattered on the ground to the right of her body, a syringe was to the left of her between her and a table, to the right of her body there was a cup, vomit was near her right leg, and a fallen lamp and a piece of the lamp was to the light of her near her

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