
Australian Oh&S Essay

Decent Essays

Assessment Tool 1

Assessment Activity 1:

1. What is the Act and Regulations that apply to your state or Jurisdiction?
The state of Victoria operates under The Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 and The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 2. Where can you find out more about the Act and regulations for your state or jurisdiction?
You can obtain more information by contacting WorkSafe Victoria on 9641 1444 or 1800 136 089. You could also visit their website at

3. Explain the difference between Act, regulation, code of practice, standard and guidance material.
Act- is the legislative and administrative tool that provides all information on OHS.
Regulation- specifies how the …show more content…

Five Questions- is used particularly with processes involving human related factors or interactions.
Work Groups would identify an incident and ask ‘why’ this occurred- until they discover the root of the problem. The group would continue asking questions based on ‘why’ until they have found the cause of the issue allowing them, then to deal with the root of the problem.

Assessment Activity 13:

What are the employee’s responsibilities for OHS in your state or jurisdiction?
Employees are responsible to ensure they conduct themselves in a manner that is not harmful to their or another’s health and safety.

Assessment Activity 17:

Consider how monitoring for a hazard control measure is carried out in the workplace. List monitoring activities that are used and describe how they are used to control risk.
Training- gives skill in operation of equipment or how to perform job requirements
Signage- visual or written cues- prompting staff of responsibilities
Policy and Procedures- give direction and explanation of how to carry out tasks and responsibilities.
Incident Reports- document incidents to then review and assess. Hazard Reports- document hazards to be reviewed and assess.
Assessment Tool 1

Assessment Activity 21:

1. A workplace employs 150 employees who work a total of 350,000 hours in a year. During this year there are a total of 8 lost time injuries (any injury that results in the loss of at least one entire shift). These

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