
Atticus Good Father

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In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird " written by Harper Lee , Atticus shows many characteristics of being a good father than a bad father. As a good father Atticus does a great job disciplining his two children Scout and Jem, when Atticus has the time he spend valuable time with his kids he educates them by reading to them and he teaches his kids that whatever they believe in fight for it. As a good father Atticus teaches his kids great discipline. In chapter 11 when Jem uses Scout to smash up all of Mrs. Duboses camellia bushes. When we Atticus hears about it, as punishment Atticus makes Jem go over her house every for one month and read to her. At the end of each reading section Mrs. Dubose would throw a fit.Atticus gives Jem a fair punishment and made Jem do the right thing after what he did to her bushes. Sadly after Jems punishment is over Mrs.Dubose dies because of her morphing addiction. Mrs. Dubose chose to get off the morphine to die as a healthy women. On page 149 after Mrs. Dubose dies Atticus tell Jem. "I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of …show more content…

This book "To Kill a Mockingbird "is based off of Atticus defending eight in word named Tom Robinson. This is greatest example in the book of Atticus being a great father. By Atticus standing up for Town Robinson he shows his kids that in life they're things that may not come easy and if believe in it fight for it. Throughout the book the kids start to comprehend what Atticus is doing and start to get a feel what it is like to stand up for something you believe in. On page 101Atticus tells Scout "Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win." Showing this kind of example to his kids about standing up for what they believe in shows why he is a great

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