
Atticus Finch Traits

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Harper Lee’s book, To Kill a Mockingbird possesses many admirable characters, but one shines above the rest. Atticus Finch is portrayed in the story as nearly the perfect father. Atticus not only pours his heart and soul into his career as an honest lawyer, but he also displays commendable traits as a father. Throughout the story he treats his children with respect; almost as if they were mature adults. He never simplifies his speech just because he is speaking to children. Atticus does not demand respect from his children just because he is their father, yet he expects it because he treats others, including his children, with the same respect. Atticus is a person and father worth imitating because he is just, wise, and courageous. Toward the middle of story Atticus displays his fair and just qualities while defending Tom Robinson, a black man accused of rape. Atticus knows he will most likely lose the case, however that does not stop him from giving Tom the strongest defense he could. Atticus is one of the few characters able to overlook racial prejudice. He does not let Tom’s skin color obstruct the fact that he is an innocent man. He looks upon every man equally no matter how he looks, acts, or speaks. “You aren’t …show more content…

Scout and Jem constantly come to Atticus for advice or guidance in their lives and he never fails to deliver meaningful directions. Even though Atticus is one of the older parents he still possesses wisdom beyond his years. Atticus lives by the saying think before you act. He constantly considers every factor of the story before hastily arriving at a conclusion. He constantly tells Scout to look at things from their point of view. “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” (39). By thinking before doing Atticus displays one of his finest traits; his

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