
Atticus Finch In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Mr. Jeremy “Jem” Atticus Finch is Scout's brother and he influences her every day when he plays with her and spends time with her. Scout has started following Jem’s examples of kindness and responsibility and caring of other people. “Jem is getting older now and she follows his example a good bit now. All she need is assistance sometimes.”(p. 99-100) Atticus mentioned to her Uncle Jack one evening. Scout follows Jem examples by growing ever more caring for her family, she is more protective and shows more compassion. She is very protective of Atticus during the trial when people are talking bad about Atticus she stands up for him but often she goes over board. “At a safe distance he called. ‘He’s nothing but a nigger lover!’ ‘He is not!’ I

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