
Artificial Intelligence And The Singularity Conference

Decent Essays

Zoltan Istvan not long ago spoke at the Artificial Intelligence and The Singularity Conference in Oakland, California. There was a huge turnout of speakers, including AI specialists Peter Voss and Monica Anderson, New York University educator Gary Marcus, science fiction author Nicole Sallak Anderson, and futurist Scott Jackisch. We were all fascinated in how the introduction of artificial intelligence will impact the world. My subject was "The Morality of an Artificial Intelligence Will be Different from our Human Morality." Elon Musk an entrepreneur made the headlines when he cautioned on Twitter that AI could be " “potentially more dangerous than nukes." A couple of days after, a writer reached out to me, and asked for my reaction to his announcement, and I replied. Growth of artificial intelligence will likely be the largest event within the history of the human species. Of course, it can pass badly, as elon musk warned lately. But, it can just as well catapult our species to new and not possible transhumanist heights. Within some months of the release of artificial intelligence, anticipate almost each science and technology e-book to be completely rewritten with new thoughts — improved and extra complex ideas. I presume an era of advanced learning as well as superior lifestyles for our species. The important thing, of course, isn 't to allow artificial intelligence run wild and out of sight, however, to already be cyborgs and part machines ourselves, in order that we

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