
Argumentative Essay: What It Means To Be An American?

Decent Essays

To be an American, is something we have strived for since the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The founding fathers wanted us to have freedom, pride, and most importantly equal opportunities for all. To be an American is to stand against all those who stand against Americans through exercising the freedoms given to us. The freedom of Americans include numerous benefits. The Freedom of speech, Freedom of Religion, and the Freedom of all around everyday choices; also known as the pursuit of happiness. Those freedoms allow Americans the right to have beliefs in whomever the religion calls for; Jesus for Christians, as well as Allah for Muslims, and so forth. American freedoms also allow Americans to spend their lives with the spouses of choice. They also allow the freedom to express feelings and beliefs of subjects under the correct pretenses. Free speech is also meant to be interpreted, and as an American, rights that seem to oppose any freedoms to those who look upon them can be modified to suit said citizen as stated in Amendment 9 “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain …show more content…

American rights allow Americans to receive the knowledge and understanding of items that help us attain jobs, careers, and lives in which Americans strive to attain. America's education systems also helps those get further education in certain career choices if hard work and potential are shown. America strives to obtain a better generation for every generation, past and present. Allowing Americans to become the best they can

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