
Argumentative Essay: The Monkey Trial

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In an instant life was created. But the type of life that was created differs depending on who is asked. Scientists would claim that single-celled organisms were the first to be created, and only by evolution and survival of the fittest did humans come to be. Religious people would refute that claim and state that humans were created in the image and likeness of god and all other animals came separately and not by chance. This argument has plagued the world since Charles Darwin released his theory in 1859. It came to a point in Dayton, Tennessee with the Scopes Trial, also known as the “Monkey Trial”. This eleven-day trial pitted faith against reason and left a legacy of conflict in schoolrooms and legislature across America.
The trial between reason and faith became the trial of the century. It …show more content…

Darrow, an atheistic man, believed that science should rule America and didn’t like that people who weren’t scientists were trying to control science and dictate what could and could not be done. His former friend, and opponent, on the side of religion was Bryan. Bryan believed that creation was the way humans came to be and was appalled by evolution and people’s desire to learn it. This conflict cut Americans to their souls and in July of 1925, it was given to the courts to decide once and for all which side was right, Darwin and his evolution, or the bible and creation. However, the courts could not decide which side was right, and instead stuck to its decision of whether or not Scopes broke the law, which he was indeed guilty of. This trial definitively proved that the tension between faith and reason might never be resolved by a jury’s verdict. The Scopes trial also galvanized fundamentalists and scientists alike, changed children’s education, and revealed a deep division within our nation. After Bryan’s wishes,

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